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No Spamming or Ads in the CBOX! That's what the Ad section is for, duh.
Welcome to our site! Have a look around and see what we're about. Love+Hate+Heartbreak is a (multifandom) rpg based very loosely on longtime running hit daytime show, General Hospital, with our own creative twists and turns to the plot and it's beloved characters. At Love+Hate+Heartbreak, you can be anyone, literally because we not only accept characters canon to GH past,present and future, but we also accept characters from other popular shows and movies, even books as well. And of course, we accept original characters. We're open to any character, really, as well as any roleplayer. Join now!
Summer 2014
May - August
Below is the census. Please note that there are only a few groups listed, but you can literally be anyone. Let's try and keep the male/female ratio even, savvy?
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The Summer Boardwalk Fest will be up and running in a few days! It's the site's first sweeps event and there are fun things in store for everyone so be sure to look in on that!
Love Hate Heartbreak opens officially, the finishing touches are going up all over the site. Also, Ashleigh began the process of creating her crazy entourage of characters AND advertising, joy!
Month Day
Duis at elit id tortor luctus condimentum. Nam erat velit, ultricies malesuada nibh ut, molestie luctus tellus. Donec varius nisi quis nunc convallis venenatis. Pellentesque orci dui, ultricies sit amet mi at, tincidunt mollis mauris. Mauris viverra tellus nec sapien accumsan pellentesque. Nulla tristique porttitor commodo.
Quick Links
01. information
02. rules
03. application
04. advertising
05. adoptable characters
06. port charles news